CLD-1YR-REN Rendelésre 1-3 munkanap 12 hó  Gyártó: Mojo Networks »

1 éves Mojo Cloud megújítás

Egy (1) éves Mojo Cloud megújítás meglévő előfizetés meghosszabbítására egy eszközre. CLD-1YR-REN 1 Year enterprise cloud subscription and support renewal for 1 access point. Cloud Managed WiFi Subscription…
66 040 Ft
(52 000 Ft + 27% ÁFA) [165.56EUR] / db
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Egy (1) éves Mojo Cloud megújítás meglévő előfizetés meghosszabbítására egy eszközre.
CLD-1YR-REN 1 Year enterprise cloud subscription and support renewal for 1 access point.

Cloud Managed WiFi Subscription Package - Enterprise
The only fully integrated platform for your wireless infrastructure

Access and Security
Deliver high-performing, reliable access
Best-in-class WIPS for real-time protection
Complete solutions managed from the cloud

WiFi access management, including set-up, configuration, deployment and monitoring
Mobile-optimized interface for on-the-go configuration and high-level monitoring
Graphical troubleshooting, remote packet capture and cloud storage for traces and logs
Guest network capabilities including splash page design and user access management
API for location, device, policy and user management

Wireless Intrusion Prevention (WIPS), including wireless scanning, policy management and automated detection and prevention
Robust event system and real-time alerting for response and forensics
Pre-defined templates for automated reporting of threats and compliance status
API for security policy creation, quarantine activities, device fingerprinting, event management and reporting

Authentication plugins using social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Foursquare), customizable Web Form, Guestbook, SMS and Clickthrough
Wi-Fi Analytics: visitor footfall, loyalty, engagement, conversion, top URL accessed
Social Login Analytics: Demographics (sex, age, location), public user profile information
Zone-based analytics
API for analytics, portal configuration, third party integration

24x7x365 phone and email support
Lifetime warranty for all hardware purchases
Regular firmware updates for security, performance and feature enhancements
További információ:



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Szállítási díj: Ingyenes

Külföldre futárszolgálattal

Magyarországon kívülre futárszolgálattal egyedi díjszabás szerint (25 EUR-tól), esetenként gyártói külön engedéllyel.

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