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F-Secure Sense

F-SECURE SENSE - Smart security for your smart lifestyle Security Wi-Fi router and mobile app. The missing piece of your smart home Secure your smart home with one device, now and in the future. Sense creates a secure network for all of your connected devices to monitor and protect them through one simple interface. With privacy and security both at home and on the go, you have the freedom to unleash your smart lifestyle. The smart future is here, with more connected devices in your home every day. From laptops and PC’s to baby cams, smart locks and smart fridges. Every smart device carries a new security risk and having separate security products for all of them is impractical, or even impossible. With Sense you can have fast, secure Wi-Fi that protects all your devices at home, as well as your mobile devices. Traffic to all your smart devices is routed through the secured Sense network, with malware and other threats blocked.

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További információk: eutuzfal.hu/f-secure info @ eutuzfal.hu

A kategóriában 1 termék található.
  • F-Secure Sense router with 1 year of Sense app subscription

    F-Secure Sense router with 1 year of Sense app subscription

    Register now to preorder and help us build an even smarter future. Make sure to get Sense first. Preorder now available for limited number of purchases. Sense router 1 year of Sense app subscription (value €96) 30 day money-back guarantee Free shipping…

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