Stormshield Version 3 újdonságok

Megérkezett az SNS Version 3 firmware a Stormshield tűzfalakhoz. Az új verzió teljesen új alapokra épül, ezért rengeteg hasznos funkcióval bővült. Sokan frissítenek is már, és persze a beállításokkal kapcsolatban kérdések is felmerültek.
A tapasztalatok alapján mindenképp javasoljuk a release notes dokumentumot alapul venni. Van benne rengeteg hasznos infó amit érdemes tudni a váltás előtt és után is. Íme címszavakban összes új funkció:
- Unified web interface
- Temporary user management
- Integration into a multi-domain environment
- IP geolocation - Country-based filtering
- IP Reputation – External host reputation
- Dynamic Host Reputation – Internal host reputation
- "DNS names (FQDN)" objects
- Safe transmission of Syslog traffic through the TLS protocol
- Possibility of configuring the hash algorithm in the internal PKI and the SSL proxy
- IPFIX/Netflow support
- Customized signatures on the intrusion prevention (IPS) engine
- SNi40 - Hardware bypass
- Importing and exporting the contents of the network objects database
- Official support for KVM and Hyper-V virtualization platforms
- Intrusion prevention scans on HTTP traffic with on-the-fly decompression
- Possibility of adding a constraint on the Domain name of the certificate presented by an IPSec peer.
- CRL verification and support for BindAddr in the firewall's LDAP requests
- IPS scans of the Ethernet/IP industrial protocol
- Intrusion prevention scans for SNMP
- NAT support for Dynamic DNS
- SSL proxy - Support for new encryption algorithms
- Systematic verification of unused objects
- Rule names in IPS logs and active connection logs
- Exporting monitoring data and audit logs
- Sandboxing – Form to report false positives
- Authentication
- Child connections (active FTP) through virtual IPSec interfaces
- TCP-based DNS requests
- Addition of logs in stateful pseudo-connections
- Support for generic 3G/4G modems
- Strengthening the IPS scan on TCP
- Other features
release notes dokumentum: